The Story Behind The Series

A long time ago, my Mom talked to me about the difference between an optimist and a pessimist. The optimist wakes up, goes to the window and says:     "GOOD MORNING GOD."

The pessimist wakes up, goes to the window and says:   "GOOD GOD. IT’S MORNING."

Well, I used to be an optimist. Infact, I was like optimist prime.

When I moved to LA, I was so sure I was destined to be a star. I spent my first two weeks on a bench at the Westside Pavilion Mall with my headshots on display, because I had just seen a report on Entertainment Tonight, that Steven Spielberg adopted a teenager, and I just KNEW he was going to have to go shopping for him at some point. I was not going to leave that mall until I had a deal to star in the next Jurassic Park movie.

A few years later, when things were so clearly off course, I became a pessimist. 

I saw things in a different light and my humor changed. It was a bit more biting.

I always created my own material, but I was never able to make my Mom laugh. I was too mean for her taste. 

When she passed away suddenly, I felt myself spiraling into a deep depression. And I needed to get out of it. I decided that I would make a comedy in her honor. Something that would make her laugh. And she used to love the stories I would tell her about the auditions I had when I first moved to LA. When I felt the world was my oyster. 

So my friend Bryan Burra and I set out to film a sketch about auditioning in Hollywood that guest starred a Casting Director friend of mine. That skit served to remind me of my innocence. 

And it was funny. 

Back in the day, when I first moved to Los Angeles, I was so unrealistic, and so far away from the reality of the entertainment business….but it was the time of my life. I would jump out of bed, and I just knew I was going to be star. And if it didn’t happen today, it was surely going to happen tomorrow. So ultimately, it was all about HOPE. And think that I think the secret to happiness. 

This series, obSETHed, is about the time in my life when hope was everything. And if you think about a time in your life, when you had so much hope that your dreams would come true, you will relate to Seth.

I am grateful to all the cast and crew who have made this series possible, I am grateful to you for taking the time to watch it, and I am grateful that I still have HOPE that my dreams can come true!


Seth Coltan